Sunday 21 July 2013

Teenage Pregnancies: A Bane

I think the Nigerian society doesn't even seem to know what they do especially in the area of health, its been so not human with all the cases of child rape and people in this society would want to approve of it? Well if we must have a focus for the em betterment of the Nigerian youth, the child rape situation should be fought to a standstill and the child marriage shouldn't even see the light of day in our society. If there is one thing that should be strongly noted is that teenage marriages and child rape would only lead to the destruction of the girl child's future, she would be infected with several terrible diseases. Whatever happened to VVF and such like. Hiv/Aids and other STD's can also be transmitted to the child which would really cause problems for her. For us to make a meaningful future for the Nigerian youth we must protect the girl child's future.  Don't kill her dream today. #childnotbride

Dyep Shibayan for FLCF

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